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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised… January 29, 2008

Posted by Gregory Bettis in Entertainment, Floetry, Water 4 Your Mind.
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The Revolution will not be televised…that’s Common Sense!

Common – Like Water for Chocolate – 6th Sense

Proactivity January 21, 2008

Posted by Gregory Bettis in Lifestyle, News, Thinking Out Loud, Water 4 Your Mind.
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In 2008, ideas, concepts, philosophies, and context are always presented in newer ways in an ever changing world. Tomorrow will be nothing like today so old ideas are constantly being revamped. New ideas are implemented in more areas of use to utilize the continuing growth of information and resources that are easily at our fingertips. 2008 is the year of taking advantage of time and resources.

Many people have a desire to be something more than what we already are. Some people do not know what exactly that is but we know it is something and others know exactly what they want to make out of life. We all have that undying desire, but do we have the dedication, discipline, and drive to get to these goals. If you are finding yourself scratching your head in these situations I will give you a little direction you might want to seriously consider. Most of us sit around waiting for opportunities before we make a conscious decision to become active in the efforts to either avoid negative consequences or accomplish recognized goals. Have you ever thought about your potential and how much you could really do? If only you could just get around to doing it.

Here’s what Craig Harper, an educator and motivational speaker, had to say.

Most people, most of the time, are reactive instead of proactive when it comes to the big-picture stuff. That is, many of us are not particularly good at taking charge of our future, our health, our relationships, our career, our finances, and our destiny. We tend to spend our life reacting to events, situations, and circumstances, rather than creating and shaping them.We get sick and scared. We make a decision to start an exercise program and to get healthy (reactive). Our partner leaves us and we get scared. We decide to be a better partner and do anything to make it work (reactive). We have a nervous breakdown and get scared. We decide to manage our stress and cut back on work (reactive). We crash our car and nearly kill five people, and get scared. We decide to drive slower and be more responsible (reactive).

Yes, these are all good decisions, but they all should have been made before reality beat us over the head and punched us in the face. A life based on reactive decisions, made out of fear and limited options, is never going to be our path to our best life, but that’s what many of us do: react, cope, and struggle. If we want amazing, then we need to do, decide, and create (be proactive).

There is a time to be reactive. We need to react and adapt to a range of stimuli thousands of times every day, but I’m not talking about avoiding the kid on the skateboard (a smart reaction), or shivering in the cold weather (an unconscious reaction). I’m talking about the big stuff; the “What is life really about?” stuff. I’m talking about proactively, consciously, fearlessly, intelligently, and methodically choosing and creating your best life instead of waiting for amazing to happen to us, or to ring the door bell.

I know it all sounds a little businesslike, but sometimes we almost need to put our life up on the whiteboard, get out the flow charts, and get a little analytical, un-emotional, objective, and practical about what the heck we’re doing with our life, our reality, and our existence here on the big blue ball. Some of us seem to have no idea, no plan, and no ability to make a decision. We seem to waste a lot of energy stumbling along to nowhere in particular, nowhere that we really want to be, anyway.

The scary thing is that, in a minute, we’re all going to be five years older. Trust me, some people reading this will still be going around in circles, still procrastinating, still making excuses, still reacting and coping, and still talking about what they’re going to do.

It seems many of us are professional waiters. That is, we spend our life waiting for some cosmic sign or unavoidable reason to make a decision, to do something, and to get off our ass. What a waste of time, talent, and potential.

People who waste their ability, their health, and their opportunities and then complain, blame, and make excuses frustrate me and make me sad because I have more faith and belief in their potential than they do. I know they can create amazing, but they consistently choose nothing and do nothing because they don’t need to do anything – yet. They’re always about to do it.

Too many of us consistently avoid making decisions and let life or other people make our decisions for us. I have had hundreds of people, literally, over the years who have asked me to make their significant decisions for them.

“You decide; you tell me what to do.”

“Sure, give me all your money and go away.”

Are you kidding me? Seriously guys, c’mon – make a decision. Make a bunch of them. Get uncomfortable. Take a risk. Be the 12-year-old sometimes. Do something.

Too often we make decisions when we’re backed into a corner and when we have no choice. The key is to choose and do before you have to. We finally address things (which should or could have been dealt with long ago) when a catastrophe happens, but often it’s too late.

Being proactive usually means dealing with discomfort, a lack of support, fear, and even resistance from others. So deal with it. Toughen up. Creating your spectacular life and everything that goes with it is regularly a challenging and uncomfortable process. That’s okay. You’re okay.

Reactive is, “I’ve got massive chest pain and pins and needles down my arm. Maybe I’ll go to the doctor.” Proactive is, “Even though I have no symptoms, I want to live a long, healthy life so I have embraced the life-long habits of healthy eating and regular exercise.”

Reactive is boring, frustrating, painful, unrewarding, unfulfilling, and illogical – especially when you consider what most of us want. Proactive is amazing, rewarding, challenging, and scary. I love a bit of scary.

Here are my simple, let’s-not-make-it-too-tricky suggestions for moving from a reactive to proactive existence:

(1) Think, but not too much or you’ll end up doing nothing.

(2) Consider and visualise the cost and the consequences of a lifetime of reacting.

(3) Create a to-do list right now and start ticking boxes today.

(4) Deal with your fears.

(5) Stop looking for, wanting, or needing the approval of others.

(6) Have your goals and dreams wrapped around a realistic, practical plan.

(7) Set deadlines for yourself: “I will do… by… “

(8) Get stuff done early in the day whenever possible. It helps get your head in the right place.

(9) Use an accountability partner (friend, coach, or mentor) to help keep you on track.

(10) Have an opinion, get off the fence, and stop being a spectator.

Ready, set, go!

What are you still sitting down for?

Article by Craig Harper

Ryan Leslie’s new single gone “Diamond”! December 5, 2007

Posted by Gregory Bettis in Entertainment, Lifestyle, News, Ryan Leslie TV.
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If you’ve been following R-Les as long as I have then you know how he lays down these hot tracks.

Ryan Leslie (the Artist, the Producer, & the Engineer) all get together in the studio to create his single “Diamond Girl”. Great fun as usual:

“Reviewing and re-sequencing the footage from this session revealed that it was possible to edit the video with an interesting twist: as though all of my alter egos were recording the song simultaneously, and even interacting with one another.

Please enjoy, request the song at radio, and share my music and vids with anyone else you think may appreciate them.”

Here is a link sent to us from a label rep. courtesy of NextSelection Inc. :
Ryan Leslie ft. Kanye West: “Diamond Girl Remix”

Stay True to Yourself December 4, 2007

Posted by Gregory Bettis in Lifestyle, News, O'Romeo, Water 4 Your Mind.
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I read a note earlier about how people are quick you help you out and sympathize with you when you are down, but when you are on top of your game they try to find errors in your playbook.

“The first fact is the fact that we unanimously love to see each other fail. When we’re in a state of “have-not” or in a state of “not living up to our potential,” we hear all the words of encouragement we can stand from our brothers and sisters, the outpouring of love is incredible. But what happens when little “Johnny” actually applies himself and becomes the next big rapper, the next big basketball player, etc..I’ll tell you exactly what happens..he automatically is labeled a sell out. No matter how much he stays the same, gives back to the neighborhood, “keeps it real”..he will automatically be labeled a fake and a sell-out. We love each other as long as we are all in a state of have not, but when one of us rises to the lengths that others do not, it automatically becomes a problem.”

~ C.J. ~

Convo. I had earlier with an intelligent young woman.

O’Romeo says:
New revelation for today…don’t do something that doesn’t interest you, don’t do anything for the money unless you’re in a tight spot, don’t do anything that people try to convince you that you need to do it…in the end……….. it’s pointless!

C. K. says:
Indeed I live like that…never do something I don’t want

O’Romeo says:
I’m in a different state of mind right now….i feel like going out and making myself unique with my own self quality…even if other people think its not cool…but yeah.

C.K. says:
I dig that… how would you make yourself unique though?

O’Romeo says:
By following my dreams and doing things that others only wish for.

C.K. says:
And if others only wish for it how would that be uncool?

O’Romeo says:
Not everybody going to like how I did it or why I did it or maybe they would dismiss me all together and say what I’m doing isn’t hot. (I meant others would only wish they could follow their dreams)

C.K. says:
Well people suck and nobody cares what anyone thinks, do u baby!

O’Romeo says:
Thats whats up!

C.K. says:
Get u right and then laugh at everybody else

O’Romeo says:
“then ha-ha-ha-ha-ha’d
right up in her face, G”….Lupe all day!

*All authors are credited but undisclosed*

In 2009… November 29, 2007

Posted by Gregory Bettis in Production.
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Plans are up in motion for the year 2009 now! Touche’ Lifestyle Media Group will be opening a studio somewhere in the city. The studio’s name and location is not definite at the present…so keep a look out for this info later in 2008.

* Let me know if you are considering joining the Touche’ Lifestyle Group crew.*

Prospective Job Openings:
Print Journalism
Graphic Design
& more…